Ok… Whitney is absolutely GORGEOUS!!!  So why should I be worried when I arrive on the scene to shoot this knock-out bride you ask!!!  Well this is rather blunt and I can’t figure out for the life of me how to word it nicely… but there was cow POOP e-v-e-r-y-w-h-e-r-e!!!!!  lol!! Seriously!  I looked at Whitney and said… “uh Whitney”, “Yes Mrs. Karen” replied Whitney with her big smile and bubbling personality, “you do realize there is cow POOP everywhere don’t you?” ( I don’t know what I was thinking she would say, duh) “Yes, but that’s ok… I’m a country girl” she giggled and smiled right at me.  And with that we began.

This was a super fun shoot!  Caroline – in her FLIP FLOPS (she was not prepared for poop at all, lol) thought she was going to be eaten by a cow (you know how they lick their lips with their long blue tongues – eewe gross, lol) well, one kept inching closer and closer to her unti it was about 10 feet away! (btw, a big black cow) Finallyl Caroline took off for the truck!  Yes… we were in a BIG 4-wheel drive truck, move us on out, truck, the kind where you need a step ladder to get in truck!  We started shooting at the tractor,  then moved to the barn, and finally laid her up on a hay bale, when out of heaven I saw an old lightening struck tree.  I looked at Whitney and said “that’s where I want to go”.  Everyone looked at me and said “are you sure”?  Yes – I’m sure, and in a matter of minutes we traipsed across the pasture, lighting equipment in hand, and landed ourselves in the most majestic spot in the entire pasture.  Take a look for yourself…. this is where the bridal portrait came from.  Thank you Whitney, Phyllis and Shannon for an awesome and eventful day!